Saturday, September 16, 2006

Bring it on, Saul! 50 reasons not to vote for Dick DeVos

So I finally stumbled back to my place last night, but I decided to check my RSS feeds before hitting the sack. Big mistake. I caught this on the MI GOP blog:

Shortly after the Michigan Republican Party released their Election Day Countdown Calendar, entitled: "75 Days of Broken Promises: No Results from Governor Granholm," the Michigan Democratic Party responded with their own copy-cat version of a calendar entitled "63 Reasons Not to Vote for Dick DeVos." The calendar made its debut on the Michigan Democratic Party website. After a handful of days, the calendar had been pulled. Apparently, the Michigan Dems didn't have anywhere close to 63 reasons not to vote for Dick DeVos, if they immediately pulled it from their site.

Well, that shouldn't be too hard to rectify -- I can think of 25 to 30 reasons not to vote for DeVos just off the top of my head. Consequently, I'm pleased to announce that I will be posting "50 reasons not to vote for Dick DeVos," starting on Monday until the election.

In fact, with your help, we can even make a better list than the MI GOP! We already have a vast amount of information collected here on the blogs, allowing for a truly community-driven project.

Feel free to e-mail me ( here if you have a suggestion or would like to help out. The more the merrier!

Cross-posted on Michigan Liberal (fp!) and Daily Kos.


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